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Abortion P 1 Abortion Mildred White PHI 107 Philosophy of Human Conduct Naomi Doumbia March 9, 2009 Abortion P 2 Abortion I do not believe in abortion. The emotion that I felt upon hearing my unborn baby’s heartbeat was overwhelming with tears of joy and wonderment that I was actually caring for a life inside of me. The doctor gave me three choices, since I was forty years old: I could have the baby and keep it, have the baby and give it up for adoption or have an abortion. I disregarded the very last one, since I did not believe in abortion. On day one fertilization occurs and the baby’s features have already been determined. “The heartbeat begins on the twenty-first day after conception” (Monahan, 2006). “The brain waves have been recorded as early as forty days” (Monahan, 2006). The fetus’ heartbeat is strong and fast and it is usually from 120-160 beats per minute. You may wonder about the population boom, well the world is growing, but it is not much in……

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Approximate Word Count: 2343
Approximate Pages: 10 (260 words per double-spaced page)

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